The Beijen/Beyen Family Site

Information and stories about the different Beijen (or Beyen) families

by Laurens Beijen

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Piet and Christiaan Beijen
October 11, 2024
The page Victims of the Japanese occupation already contained information about three members of the Johan Franco branch who were prisoners of war in Japanese camps during World War II. Two stories have now been added: about Piet Beijen and Christiaan Beijen. Both survived the hardships in the camps.
More details >>
Reinier Beyen
June 7, 2024
On May 29, 2024 Reinier Beyen passed away. He was 59 years old and belonged tot the Nieuwkapelle family.
More details >>
Beijen and Lansink
December 5, 2023
Three members of the Beijen family from Hengelo married a partner named Lansink.
Read more about their mutual relationships.
Gerrit's gravestone
October 9, 2024
A sign with a QR code at the gravestone of Gerrit Beijen (1826-1884) in Bodegraven refers to this website.
More details >>
Family visit from America
October 3, 2024
Eduard Beijen from Kansas City and Nancy Burkett Beijen from St. Louis visited their relatives in the Netherlands. More details >>
More than 700 photos
October 6, 2024
The gallery includes many photos of members of the Dutch Beijen and Beyen families who live or have lived in the Netherlands or elsewhere. The most recent number is 732.
An important point: express consent is required from all people whose photo is used in the gallery. Please send an e-mail to confirm your consent as soon as possible! Other reactions to the photo gallery or suggestions for updating it will be appreciated as well. More details >>

The English pages of this website

First of all Preface
Families and branches
Beijen or Beyen?
The oldest generations
of the IJsselstein family
Overview of the members of the oldest generations
The first Beijen's in IJsselstein
Dirck Jansz. Beijen
The children of Dirck Jansz. Beijen
Dirck Gijsbertsz. Beijen and his wives
Dirk Jan Beijen, caretaker of the Bonneterie
The descendants of Dirck Gijsbertsz. Beijen
The Gijsbert branch
of the IJsselstein family
Overview of the members of the Gijsbert branch
Gijsbert and Dirck Beijen from Lexmond
The Arie subbranch
The Dirk Jan subbranch
Little subbranches from Amsterdam and Sloterdijk
The Jan Thomas branch
of the IJsselstein family
Overview of the members of the Jan Thomas branch
Jan Thomas Beijen and his children
The Dirk subbranch
Maarten Beijen (1774-1834) and his children
Maarten Beijen (1842-1917) and his offspring
Frederik Beijen and his offspring
The Gerrit subbranch
The tombstone of Gerrit Beijen
The Johan Franco branch
of the IJsselstein family
Overview of the members of the Johan Franco branch
Johan Beijen and Mechteld van Meerland
Johan Franco I, friend of the Bohemian Brethren
The Johan Franco's II and III
The Johan Franco's IV, V and VI
Jacoba Cornelia Beijen and her children
Beijens in the Dutch East Indies
Victims of the Japanese occupation
The Nieuwkapelle family Overview of the members of the Nieuwkapelle family
Remigius Beyen from Nieuwkapelle
Remigius' family
The Nieuwkapelle family in the 19th century
Johan Willem Beyen, Minister of Foreign Affairs
The brothers and children of Johan Willem Beyen
The younger children of Karel Hubertus Beijen
Greet Beijen, killed in a concentration camp
The Breyell family Overview of the members of the Breyell family
The origin in Germany
The group Lambertus
The younger generations of the Breyell family
The Hengelo family Overview of the members of the Hengelo family
A ground Bijen near Weerselo
Bijen and Bijenhuis
From Weerselo to Hengelo
From Bijen to Beijen
The growth of the Hengelo family
The Beijen-Overbeek division
The Beijen-Spekreis division
Beijen and Lansink
The Dordrecht family Overview of the members of the Dordrecht family
The extinct Dordrecht family
Loose ends Loose ends
Finally Family messages
The photo gallery
The alphabetical list of first names
The size of the families and branches
Coats of Arms
The surname Beyen in Belgium
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