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by Laurens Beijen
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The Hengelo family

Beijen and Lansink

Over the years, three members of the Beijen family in Hengelo married a member of a Lansink family:
  1. In 1824, Joannes Biën (3.1) married Gesina Lansink . More about that marriage can be found at the bottom of this page.
  2. In 1907, a grandson of Joannes and Gesina, Johan Beijen (5.6), married Hermina Hendrika Lansink.
  3. In 1910, a granddaughter of Joannes and Gesina, Maria Beijen (5.9) married Jan Lansink.
This page is about the (possible) family relationships between the three Lansinks mentioned.

Hermina Hendrika and Jan Lansink: second niece and second nephew


Above are the couples mentioned at B and C: on the left Johan Beijen and Hermina Hendrika (Mien) Lansink, on the right Jan Lansink and Maria Beijen.
Johan and Maria Beijen were brother and sister. They belonged to the Beijen-Spekreis division.
Their partners, Hermina Hendrika and Jan Lansink, were second niece and second nephew. The chart below shows that they had great-grandparents in common.

A small community

The fourteen people mentioned in the diagram lived all their lives in a small community: they were all born in Hengelo (probably always in the hamlet of Woolde), the weddings were in Hengelo and they also died there.
There were only two exceptions: Hermina Hendrika Lansink did not die in Hengelo but in Groenlo, and the wedding mentioned on the left in the diagram was in Alstätte, just across the German border southeast of Enschede. There was a special reason for the latter: for both it was the second marriage and they had both lived in Alstätte with their deceased first partner. After their second marriage they returned to their hometown.

A frequent surname

The name Lansink is frequent in Overijssel, especially in the east of Twente. The name is almost certainly taken from an 'erve' or property where ancestors of the name bearers lived.
A complication in family research is that before the introduction of civil registration, in the east of the Netherlands the family name often changed when moving to another farm. People who had the same name did not have to be related. In addition, there were sometimes more farms on the same property and some farm names occurred in different places. For example, there were properties with the name Lansink in Woolde near Hengelo, in Hasselo between Hengelo and Weerselo and in Fleringen near Tubbergen.

The farm 't Lansink

The Lansinks mentioned on this page probably all derive their name from the Lansink estate in the hamlet of Woolde. That farm was located on the site of the current residential area of Tuindorp 't Lansink, southwest of the center of Hengelo.
The aforementioned Hermina Hendrika Lansink was born in 1878 in a farm called 't Lansink, which can be seen in the left photo below. On the right is a photo of part of the interior.


Tuindorp 't Lansink was built in the early twentieth century on the initiative of Charles Theodorus Stork, the founder of the machine factory named after him. To make the development possible, a construction company founded by Stork bought the farm and the associated land. The farm was later demolished.


Above left, the entrance gate of the former farm 't Lansink on the C.T. Storkstraat. On the right a sign on the gate with an explanation.

The marriage of Joannes and Gesina in 1824

At the top of this page, the marriage of Joannes Biën and Gesina Lansink in 1824 in Weerselo is mentioned at A. Unfortunately, important mistakes were made when recording that marriage. As a result, there is uncertainty about the background of both the bride and the groom. That is regrettable because all members of the Beijen family in Hengelo are descended from them. As mentioned earlier, the name Biën changed via Bijen to Beijen.

The page From Weerselo to Hengelo explains how things went wrong when mentioning the groom. In the marriage certificate his name was written as Gerardus Joannes Biën. The registrar derived that name from a baptismal certificate (an extract from the baptismal register) which stated that a child with that name had been baptized in Deurningen on November 7, 1792. However, a certificate with exactly the same content was used at a wedding in 1815. The bridal couple who were married at that time were still alive in 1824.
The conclusion on the page mentioned is that an error was made in the marriage certificate of 1824. The groom was not Gerardus Joannes Biën, but most likely his younger brother. Because he was later called Jan, he is referred to as Joannes in the diagram of the members of the Hengelo family.

But the mention of the bride is also incorrect. For her, the marriage certificate also used the information in a baptismal certificate of someone who had already been married a few years earlier. In this case it concerns Gesina Lansink who married Johannes Lansink in 1819. Their marriage is noted in the chart at the top of this page.


Above on the left, the certificate drawn up in 1819 and on the right, the one from 1824. Both concern the baptism on April 25, 1791 in Delden of Gesina Lansink, daughter of Johannes and Gertrudis. The fact that the baptism was recorded in Delden was because the hamlet of Woolde fell under the parish of Delden at the time.

The Gesina Lansink who married Joannes Biën in 1824 could not have been the same as the Gesina Lansink who married Johannes Lansink in 1819. Just as for the groom's details, the first marriage certificate was probably correct for the bride and the second was not.

The appendices to the marriage certificate from 1824 also include a statement from four older men from Hengelo about the bride's family:
... who at the instance mentioned above stated that they had known very well the parents and grandparents of the appellant on his father's and mother's side, as being her father Johannes Lansink and her mother Gertruid Lansink, and her paternal grandfather Bernardus Lansink and paternal grandmother Geertruit Brunink, also the maternal grandparents Jan Lansink and Geertruid Leuvert, all living farmers and living in the boerschap Woolde schoutambt Hengelo, and knowing that they died there, ...
A relationship between this Gesina Lansink and her namesake who married Johannes Lansink in 1819 has not yet been found.

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